Inspired by a
posting on
Lisa Mikulski's blog, here's a short list of some uncommon bits of wisdom I've picked up over the years.
- On selecting projects: If it looks like fun and looks like it will make a difference, do it. If it's only one or the other, think hard before doing it. If it's neither, run away.
- On Action: The "Ready, Fire, Aim" approach is way better than "Ready... Ready... Ready..." It's also better than"Fire! Fire! Fire!" (inspired by Tom Peters).
- On Work: Networking is working (from my good friend Chris Quaid)
- On Surviving as an Innovator: If you keep moving around, the bureaucrats who want to fire and/or kill you won't be able to catch you or stop you, because they're slow (also from Quaid).
- On Trust: People who are trusting tend to also be trustworthy. People who are distrustful tend to not be trustworthy. One way to help people become trustworthy is to trust them.
- Being tired makes you stupid and cynical. Being stupid and cynical makes you tired. Sleep is not the only way to break that cycle and feel rejuveinated. In fact, it's probably not even the best way. (inspired by Churchill's wonderful essay/book Painting as a Pastime).
- Conformity is optional (from my dad).
- Innovation is criticism (from J. Rufus Fears, in a lecture from The Teaching Co. I LOVE their stuff!)
- Fear is a terrible motivator.
- There is something profoundly cool about being punished for doing the right thing.
- God did good when he created everything. He is still doing good today, and He knows what he's doing.
How about you? Any nuggets to pass along?
U has lurnt naice thingz.
Oh, wait... wrong post. :)
Thanks bro - very funny!
Hi Dan: thank you for 'quoting' me.... doesn't happen too often....and yes, Conformity is optional..... of course, theory x folks disagree; but theory y folks agree.....I remember that stuff from a course I took back in 1977 heavy into Tom Peters ....you have devloped into quite a philosopher.....you done good...Dad
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