15 March 2007

Lulu Update

As most of you probably know, I publish all my books at Lulu.com. It's a fantastic company, great to work with, high quality, wonderful ideas, etc, etc. Can't say enough good stuff about them!

They continue to add new functions & capabilities, and recently gave authors a little more control over prices. Specifically, they uncoupled the download price from the hardcopy price. It used to be that authors could only set the price to purchase a hardcopy of the book, and Lulu automatically calculated the (lower) price to download the eBook version, based on the royalties set by the author.

Now, I can set the eBook price directly... if I want my eBook royalties to be lower than my hardcopy royalties (and I do), that's not a problem anymore. I can also use round numbers for the eBook prices now ($2.00, instead of $2.36, for example).

Lulu rocks!

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