I recently got a copy of "Book Banter," a publication of the New York State Reading Association (thanks, Mom!). In the Summer 2006 issue, they've got a very nice review of Meet The Boomer Sisters!
I'll skip their plot summary and just get right to the good stuff:
The moral of the tale is quite clear and will be perceived even by younger readers, but the "lesson" doesn’t overwhelm the entertaining narrative. This is an interesting and well written book, by a promising new author. Meet The Boomer Sisters will be enjoyed particularly by Middle Schoolers and should make a great read-aloud for Second and Third Graders as well.
Not bad for a 30-day project, eh? Sure, I did a few minor edits and tweaks after the month was over, but they were mostly fixing a few typo's. Nothing substantial.
The point? People can produce stuff that's worth reading during NaNoWriMo. (And you can publish them in time for Christmas at Lulu.com). So, to all my fellow NaNoWriMo'ers out there - keep it up! You can TOTALLY do it! And if you're writing a kid's novel, I look forward to reading NYSRA's review of it next summer!
And to those who haven't yet joined in the NaNoWriMo insanity, there's always next year!
Very cool. Maybe I'll have to join in next year!
Congrats, Dan. You never fail to take my breath away. I want to be just like you when I grow up. (Oops, I forgot: I don't want to grow up. This is going to take some thought. I'll get back to you on this one.)
Thanks! I always say I'm about 12 years old in my head... and I plan to die young as late as possible.
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